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All Kitchen Find
Finding things is sometimes messy. From years of cooking passion, we decided to create Allkitchenfind for being helpful shopping lists of things in the kitchen.

Know what we do, our rating system, and FAQ.
Cutlery & Knife
Countertop Cookers
Food Preparations
Kitchen Appliances

Review & Rating System

Review Disclosure

  • Independent Review. All reviews written in the site based on editor’s opinion with the product and not influenced by third parties, for example, advertisers, brand repetitive or any hidden benefit groups.
  • Universally Best. As targeting for being universally benefit for most people, our primary winner must be good by compromising all aspects. Our primary winner must be good by compromising all aspects. The runners up may hit bigger scores in some aspects, but not all-around.

Our Criteria

There’re 5 aspects to consider for every of product review, which are:
  1. Performance. How good the product is cook or does its duty. We also consider how good the product meets the claims of the brand.
  2. Ease of Use. How easy and practical the product matches closely to user needs. This includes special features that make the ease of usage, such as good handles or clear-cut LED monitor.
  3. Quality. How good of the product is made. We concern about materials, craftwork or mechanical assembly units, for electronic products. Also, the defective and recall history, as well as relevant user complaints are noticed.
  4. Design. How good design is made. It’s not only how beautiful it is, but also properly design for usage, includes ergonomic and safety design.
  5. Value. How worth for buying. The cheaper doesn’t always gain bigger score than the expensive. We determine how value to buy concerning of all aspects above. So, the cheap-made products aren’t certainly included in our list.

Rating System

Our rating system is from 5 aspects. Each aspect is scored from 0 (lowest score) to 5 (highest scores) and is summed up the whole aspect together. The US academic grading in normal colleges is used as reference.

Percentage (%) Letter Definition
98-100 A+ Excellent or outstanding products
93-97 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+ Good or satisfied products
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+ Average products (Need some improvements)
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+ Unsatisfied products (Insufficient)
63-66 D
60-62 D-
59 or below F Failure